Chess-Online Games Tournament Players Info
0 players

Description of a tournament

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When does the tournament begin?

As soon as the required number of players join the online tournament, then the tournament starts automatically. You will be notified when the game begins, allowing you to play in parallel in another browser window while you are waiting.

Is the tournament rated?

When a new tournament is set up, the rated mode can be selected. This means all games played will be rated.

How is a tournament won and a winner decided?

The player with the most points at the end of the tournament is the winner. A won game is rated with two points, stalemate with one point, and zero points are awarded for a defeat.

How does player pairing work?

Players are paired randomly at the start. After you have completed a game, go back into the tournament room and you will be paired with the first available player. This minimizes waiting time and means more matches can be played.

What is the winning streak?

A number of games won in a row is called a winning streak. For example, if you win three games in a row, you will receive two points per game for the first two games and three points if you win the third game.

How is the tournament ended?

Every tournament created online has a maximum game time. When the clock reaches the match time zero, all ongoing tournament games will be terminated. The online tournament will then be rated and the winner with the most awarded points announced.