Chess-Online Games Tournament Players Info
0 players

Abidjan (2211)

43 / 207,081
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511 wins, 29 losses, 12 draws, 0 AI

Tournament points: 0
May 14, 2022 10:17 PM - White resigned , Black is victorious

White JT1234 (1989) (-7)Icon4
Black Abidjan (2204) (+7)Icon4

Time control: 2 minutes/side + 1 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
May 14, 2022 10:15 PM - Black resigned , White is victorious

Black JT1234 (1997) (-8)Icon4
White Abidjan (2196) (+8)Icon4

Time control: 2 minutes/side + 1 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
May 14, 2022 10:10 PM - White resigned , Black is victorious

White JT1234 (2005) (-8)Icon4
Black Abidjan (2188) (+8)Icon4

Time control: 2 minutes/side + 1 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
May 14, 2022 10:06 PM - White resigned , Black is victorious

White JT1234 (2014) (-9)Icon4
Black Abidjan (2179) (+9)Icon4

Time control: 2 minutes/side + 1 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
May 14, 2022 10:00 PM - White resigned , Black is victorious

White JT1234 (2024) (-10)Icon4
Black Abidjan (2169) (+10)Icon4

Time control: 3 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
May 14, 2022 9:56 PM - Black resigned , White is victorious

Black JT1234 (2035) (-11)Icon4
White Abidjan (2158) (+11)Icon4

Time control: 3 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
May 14, 2022 9:51 PM - White resigned , Black is victorious

White JT1234 (2047) (-12)Icon4
Black Abidjan (2146) (+12)Icon4

Time control: 3 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
May 14, 2022 9:47 PM - Checkmate , White is victorious

Black JT1234 (2060) (-13)Icon4
White Abidjan (2133) (+13)Icon4

Time control: 3 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse