Chess-Online Games Tournament Players Info
0 players

Photon (2235)

29 / 207,082
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700 wins, 16 losses, 19 draws, 46 AI

Tournament points: 0
May 13, 2022 6:44 PM - Draw

White Stockfish AI level 8
Black Photon (2232)Icon4

>> Replay and analyse
Mar 24, 2022 8:02 PM - Draw

Black Stockfish AI level 7
White Photon (2217)Icon3

>> Replay and analyse
Aug 8, 2021 8:34 AM - Draw

Black jorful (1750) (+13)
White Photon (2154) (-13)Icon3

Time control: 8 minutes/side + 3 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Oct 18, 2020 3:26 PM - Draw

Black siko12 (982)
White Photon (2038)Icon3

>> Replay and analyse
Jul 20, 2020 5:25 PM - Draw

Black Zangretor (1753) (+10)
White Photon (2014) (-10)Icon3

Time control: 15 minutes/side + 10 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Mar 26, 2020 2:25 PM - Draw

Black Rafael2020 (2008) (-1)Icon2
White Photon (1980) (+1)Icon3

Time control: 8 minutes/side + 8 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Dec 24, 2019 12:20 PM - Draw

White Delfalpi (1735) (+7)Icon3
Black Photon (1910) (-7)Icon2

Time control: 30 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Dec 14, 2019 12:49 PM - Draw

Black helga1953 (1344) (+15)Icon2
White Photon (1903) (-15)Icon2

Time control: 7 minutes/side + 8 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse